A while back I was sent some 4 component data with a request (more a demand actually) that I provide a way to
view each component separately as a contiguous data set.
It was a sort of an interesting objective and one that I had considered in the past.
The result is SMSFExplorer.
As with many of my projects, it started out as one thing and morphed into something else.
In this case it became a comprehensive Seis file header examiner and extraction utility.
Select a folder and it will provide a list of valid Seis files
Click on any of the entries and it will load the headers for viewing
Click the header you are interested in and it will show it:
Click on a trace number and the trace header you are interested in and it will show that
You can also look at the trace itself if you want
But it doesn’t stop there.
You can export a QC header listing as text, Shape File or KML file.
And of course what we originally set out to do, a SEGY file
Exporting allows for not only the export of a specific component, but a line or channel range.
So in the end we went from a useless (from the point of QC) record with mixed sensors
To a nice record only containing the Hydrophone data
The program is still a bit fragile, so I will not make it available except to specific people on request, and then only if they can show a need for it.