It is important that vibrator parameters be set correctly. As some of these are entered at the vibrator during setup, Sercel allow us to check remotely via a GetDSD.
The result being a text file containing entered and measured parameters.
Whilst this can (and usually is) checked visually, it is easy to miss things, especially on a large crew with many vibrators.
SMGetDSD allows you to define a setup template and check against it, minimising the risk of missing incorrect values.

Currently it assumes all vibrators on the crew are the same type, with the same parameters. This is usually the case. A future version may allow for mixed types and parameters.

Some entries in the GetDSD file have no specified tolerances, and may vary due to operating conditions or even ground conditions.

You, the user are solely responsible for the use or misuse of results.

Errors and out of tolerance conditions are easily identified
Setup may appear a bit complex, but is easy enough to use.
The 'Get' function will pull data from an existing file to provide a starting point if needed
Two sets of graphs are available. They provide plots of measured values only, as there is little point in displaying plots of things like Mass or Baseplate weight, as they should all be the same.

Colours can be adjusted to suit your needs
Numeric Results can be Output as Text or XML that can be directly opened with Excel
  • Mass offset
  • Valve Offset
  • Torque offset
  • Servo Gain
  • Servo Cutoff
  • Servo Damping
  • Oil compressibility
  • Oil viscosity
  • Oil leakage
  • Spool gain
  • ID result 1
  • ID result 2
Graphs can be output as Image files or PDF or copied to the clipboard for pasting into other applications