It can be difficult to get a feel for the overall quality of 2D acquisition by only looking at selected shot records. By plotting the calculated RMS value of each trace for each shot, we can generate a pseudo areal display that will show stations that remain noisy over time or shots that have a significant number of channels noisy. This aids with evaluation of crew performance.

Here we see the calculated RMS value for each point for eavery shot recorded during a day. Vertical striping indicates receiver stations that have been noisy for a long period. Horizontal stripes indicate secions of the spread that were noisy for a shot, and angled stripes indicate a moving noise source
2DN is very easy to use - simply create a project, load your files and then display the results.
You can load multiple lines into the database and select the one you want to view. You can view by Day, Date Range or by SP Range
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As you move the mouse over the display, SP and RP are indicated as shown